1.Late Dr. P. M. Khare Junior Best Paper Prize 2024
Nominations are invited for the Late Dr. P. M. Khare Junior Best paper competition to be held at the
XXVIII Maharashtra Chapter Conference of IAMM at JMF’s ACPM Medical College, Dhule.
Contestants must be below 35 years of age (certificate showing proof of age must be attached).
The competitor should be affiliated to Medical Institutes in the State of Maharashtra or work needs to
be undertaken in the state of Maharashtra. Paper should be original and should not have been
published in any scientific journal.
The paper needs to be prepared according to the format of Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology
Authors are required to submit first page, article and undertaking of authorship as three separate
PDF files.
The paper should be submitted by e-mail to Organizing Secretary on or before 30 June 2024
(E-mail: mahamicrocon2024@gmail.com).
Registration is mandatory for submission.
Papers will be evaluated by a panel of judges including a statistician. The selected competitors will
be informed latest by 15 July 2024 by email.
The presenting author must present his / her paper before the audience and the panel of judges.
Note :
First page – Title with names of authors (presenting author name to be underlined) and name of the
Second page – Only title
An Abstract of the paper to include in the Souvenier
2. Dr.B.N.Joshi Memorial Awards for best oral/poster presentations
3. Dr Rajendra Surpam’s Award for Best paper in Mycology

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