Instructions For Abstract Submission 

  1. Presenting author must register for the Conference and pay the appropriate registration fee.
    Only one person (presenting author) will be allowed to present either Oral.
  2. Presentation or Poster presentation.
  3. Only the presenting author will be given the Certificate of presentation.
  4. Define abbreviations and acronyms including standard measures. Mention special or unusual abbreviations in parentheses after the full word appears for the first time.
  5. Each abstract must be complete in all aspects.
  6. Abstract submitted should not be published/ presented anywhere else before presentation.
  7. Presenting authors will be intimated whether the abstract has been accepted in.
  8. Oral presentation or Poster presentation by the Scientific Committee.
  9. Abstract not as per the given guidelines will not be accepted. No separate correspondence/ intimation shall be made to author in these regards.
  10. Abstract should be uploaded on the website on the Abstract submission portal.


  • The abstract should be structured
  • Word Limit –  Strictly within 250 words
  • Font Arial, Font size 12, UK spell-checked, Alignment – Justified
  • Double spacing.
Abstract – 250 Words – Structured
  • Background (should end with objectives of the study),
  • Methodology  (should clearly state study design  tools used, study population and statistical tests applied)
  • Results
  • Conclusions
  • Keywords (4-6)

Last Date of Abstract Submission 30th June 2024

Format of ppt Presentation 

Please prepare maximum 15 slides as follows
  1. Title Slide:
    • Title of the study
    • Name(s) of Author(s)
    • First author:Type the complete Name & Designation
    • Co-authors:Type the complete Name & Designation. The co-authors should be cited in order of their contribution in the study; main contributors should be listed first.
    • Name of the Institute
  2. Introduction – Provide the background to the problem/issue
  3. Objectives – State the purpose of the study (research question) or a hypothesis
  4. Methods – Methods used to address the objectives
  5. Results – Observations in summary form
  6. Discussion – Compare results with relevant studies, and limitations.
  7. Conclusion – Summary of your findings with recommendations
  8. References – using Vancouver Style


  • Specifications for PPT: Font-Arial, font size-28+, UK spell checked, Font Color – Black, PPT background – White. Please do not use unessential animations.
  • Final Oral Presentation must be prepared for a total of 7 minutes: 5 min for presentation (a bell will ring then) and 2 min for Questions & Answers.
  • Please note that Session Chairperson has the right to terminate your running presentation in case you exceed the allotted time of 5 min + 2min.
  • Presenters MUST ENSURE that there is no copyright & trademark violation in their presentation. Appropriate source, reference must be given.
  • Presentation Schedule & Location/Venue will be intimated well before the date of the conference.
  • Ensure to carry a soft copy of Oral Presentation file in a USB drive free from any malware/viruses to the venue in case of any technical issue in uploading the same. Keep a backup copy of your presentation in your own email. (Do not email the PPT)
  • Arrive in the designated venue at least 20 minutes in advance. Ensure with the help of Venue Assistants that your presentation is already uploaded on the PC/Laptop which will be used for presentation.
  • Include abstract title and all authors at the top.
  • Poster should fit on a board that is 4ft x 2.5ft (Height X width) in portrait form.
  • Do not use ALL CAPITAL letters.
  • Use graphics (charts, tables, pictures) that can be understood in one minute or less.
  • Ideas should flow from panel to panel logically.
  • Assume the viewer is reading your poster from approximately 3 feet.
  • Describe in the following format:
  • Background – Provide the background to the problem/issue
  • Objectives – State the purpose of the study (research question) or a hypothesis
  • Methods – Methods used to address the objectives
  • Results – Observations in summary form
  • Conclusion – Summary of your findings with recommendations
  • Important references – using Vancouver Style (optional)

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